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4:25 PM
in The Tavern (General), 27 mins ago, by Popular Demand
A: Formatting Sandbox

Popular DemandSome Grace Note-inspired abuse:     i like     this and     my first thought was meta-parent linking as you said furthermore i think that it might be good to enable some other very related sites perhaps using the same algorithm used by the close menu ...

A: Using Ruby, how can I confirm that an XML snippit is valid?

Joe HildebrandThe actual error in this case is your  . According to XEP-0071, section 8, point 5: Section 11.1 of XMPP Core stipulates that character entities other than the five general entities defined in Section 4.6 of the XML specification (i.e., <, >, &, ', and...

@html.gsub!(/ /,' ') has made chat even more stable!
but it looks like I'll need to do more than that simple regexp
2 hours later…
6:23 PM
I'm supposed to be doing work?
Yes. Nobody else was able to break chat, so...
21 hours ago, by The Unhandled Exception
1 hour ago, by Fosco

 Minecraft Talk

Everything Minecraft, including classic and survival mode
3 hours later…
9:20 PM
now for a yummy, full-on test!
A test... of write support!
@JoshsSocks Your test failed:
> You must login to post
A test... from a different IP...
@JoshsSocks I am truly impressed
9:30 PM
@JoshsSocks SHUT UP!!!!!
If he closes this hole, write support becomes much harder!
Testing min cookie requirements
Okie Dokie!
There's a cookie called somusr
This cookie combined with the JavaScript fkey value is all that's necessary to post messages until someone whose name rhymes with "Ralpha" decides to make my life more difficult
so I propose for initial early write support you IM the system something like: /fkey <your-fkey-value>, and /somusr <your somusr cookie value> and then, you can chat!
9:50 PM
XMPP write support here we come\!
I can do all sorts of cool stuff with this...
17:50:24 up 10 days, 7:28, 6 users, load average: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00
17:50:56 up 10 days, 7:29, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
jnet pts/1 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 10days 24:32 24:32 top
jnet pts/2 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 3days 0.39s 0.17s /bin/bash
jnet pts/3 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 5:27m 31.68s 30.50s /usr/bin/ruby .
jnet pts/4 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 29:58 0.19s 0.19s /bin/bash
jnet pts/5 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 0.00s 0.22s 0.21s /bin/bash
10:11 PM
did I hear XMPP write support
@Sathya You did
I'm working on it now, but
@TheUnhandledException where can I find these values
@Sathya Check cookies for somusr
Check firebug for fkey
I am still working on writing XMPP write support
So feel free to hold off :-)
ah I'm using CHrome's dev tools
found somusr
@Sathya That should show it also, lemme see...
10:14 PM
no clue on fkey
@Sathya in console run: fkey().fkey
is that a function ?
It's a statement. fkey() is a function
okay. got it.
fkey from chat, and somusr cookie from meta
Now it's not done yet, but I propose that you (anyone) would msg the XMPP server with fkey <blah>
10:16 PM
@TheUnhandledException somusr is not required ?
and the server will store it
@Sathya Both are
@TheUnhandledException how did you figure this out ;-s
@Sathya I figured it out!!! I was posting chat messages and watching firebug's console!
I'm a smart sock!!!
@JoshsSocks :-D
@JoshsSocks Hush or I'll wash you again
10:18 PM
@JoshsSocks i must take firebug lessons from you then
but... he asked me!
Then I just SSHed into the server and did:
cookie=cookieval; fkey=fkeyval
msg="Something to send"
curl -b "$cookie" -d "fkey=$fkey&text=$msg" chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/chats/241/messages/new
very nice
then I can just set the shell env var msg to anything:
18:20:57 up 10 days, 7:59, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
jnet pts/1 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 10days 24:35 24:35 top
jnet pts/2 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 3days 0.39s 0.17s /bin/bash
jnet pts/3 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 5:57m 34.62s 33.44s /usr/bin/ruby .
jnet pts/4 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 59:59 0.19s 0.19s /bin/bash
jnet pts/5 cpe-075-177-134- 26Oct10 0.00s 0.22s 0.21s /bin/bash
That came from my datacenter, whereas this message is from my home!
@JoshsSocks :-D
@JoshsSocks You're a sock. You don't have a datacenter!
10:24 PM
@TheUnhandledException aw! don't be hard on @JoshsSocks
Dang sockpuppets, getting all uppity with their imaginary data centers and false feelings of independence!
Yeah! I'll give you athlete's foot!
Ahahaha... this room has become the XMPP room of insanity :-)
Having a sockpuppet account is just. too. much. damn. fun!
@Tim did you see that I found a surprisingly easy path to write support?
Yeah, nice :)
How are you going to manage that data though?
@TimStone Every logged in user already has an instance of the SOXMPP_LoggedInUser class
so all I need to do is add two member variables, fkey and somusr
10:29 PM
Ah, right, that makes sense.
That object already contains the user's JID, so when an XMPP message comes in, I search for the corresponding SOXMPP_LoggedInUser, extract the vars, and execute an HTTP POST
and wait for balpha to close this security hole
@JoshsSocks would you please shut up!
@JoshsSocks I don't think that it's a security hole, really.
fkey is non-trivial, so.
Having both pieces of information is unlikely enough given this isn't a super sensitive arena. :P
Good man @Tim :-)
I guess the only thing I was worried about was that posting from a different IP wouldn't work. But it does and I am thankful!
Meaning @rchern can create a userscript to get the fkey and cookie val over to the XMPP server :-)
10:38 PM
Then you can say you helped with XMPP!
Hm XMPP component isn't acknowledging my messages...

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