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3:10 PM
XMPP Status Update: The XMPP bridge is running for both chat.meta.stackoverflow.com as well as chat.stackexchange.com however write support on the later is still broken, and write support on the former is still confusing as heck. I will be way too busy this short-week to do anything on this project and I welcome any help I can get. Specifically, looking for people with experience in Open ID, to fix / improve authentication and write support.
If you'd like to help, @TheUnhandledException me in this room
I have 0 Open ID experience, sorry!
S'ok :-)
My plan to make write support easier is to make the XMPP bridge be an OpenID provider as well
So that way, you can get an OpenID from the bridge and add that OpenID to your profile. The bridge will then be able to log in as you using that OpenID
This way it can get it's own cookie and fkey, and you can control it's access by simply deleting that OpenID from the account if you want
There's an OpenID server for Ruby which I want to look into, but this is going to be a crazy week for me!! O_o
5 hours later…
8:40 PM
@TheUnhandledException note that you're not considered to be in the Tavern anymore (because you're not polling -- I assume you're exclusively using your bridge?)
Thanks for confirming my theory
I am using only XMPP @balpha and that will be added to Trac as a bug to be fixed...
@balpha Sure enough there's no @TheUnhandledException in here either

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