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9:42 PM
XMPP Status Update: First SVN commit coming soon, one final bug to be worked out of the JSON parser
@TheUnhandledException, I think you have a bug with the way you're POSTing to chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/chats/241/events
Let me test that via curl
You're right, socks, it's returning HTML instead of JSON data
this is...not healthy.
I wasn't aware anyone was listening, lol
You've heard of "rubber ducking"? This is my version ;-)
Maybe I need to POST. I'm actually getting a 404!
9:59 PM
Try it!
@JoshsSocks Stop it. You're scaring the lady!
...sorry... I'll go back to watching JSON feeds now
Good. Do that.
Oh sweet. POST ing works!
Now to update the SOChatFeed class
10:32 PM
OK, I'm confused, the POSTs change from /chats/*room_id*/events to just /events
I think that's because I'm logged in. I wonder if I can just post to /chats/*room_id*,events, if I use since=... something
But do I want since= last time_stamp or since= *last message_id*`, or...
@rchern you wouldn't happen to know anything about the JSON event feeds from your scripting, do you?
i've glanced at them
I'm trying to figure out what the since HTTP POST param is for, and how I can get all new messages for a given room since my last poll
i've assumed it is the time of the last poll
seems like no matter what I give for since I get all messages
I think this is more complicated than I first thought :-/
10:43 PM
ok, sorry. finished something up
you have my attention now (;
OK. the first post goes to /rooms/*id*/events, to get the history
That gives you a time element in the JSOn reply
Every other JSON request should just go to /events, posting r*room_id*=*time*
since isn't even always passed
which will give you a new time, t
@rchern As far as I can tell, since is unused
10:45 PM
i only see it on the initial load and it is 0
only /events seems (to me) to give events since a given time
after that /events just contains fkey and r<id>
@rchern Same here
@rchern r<id> is passed a time
which it then returns a new time, as t
the next post to /events should pass t back as r<id>
which gives all new events in room id since time t
...as far as I can tell...
different data is coming from /events with the same r241 value
10:48 PM
441879 is a time?
(another test)
@rchern Not sure...
The first post to /rooms/<id>events lists that in the JSON reply as time
view the /events hits in your browser though
@rchern Looking at it now, 441884 is listed under time
You have to POST to it
Oh wait, sorry
no, ok here
i was getting repeated /events with r241=441891 according to chrome
I was thinking /room/id/events
10:50 PM
they were all {"r241":{},"r38":{},"r77":{},"r40":{},"r74":{},"r89":{}}
@rchern Yeah. Then when a new event occurs, it /events will give a new t
{"r241":{"e":[{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1288133466,"content":"@rchern Yeah. Then when a new event occurs, it \u003ccode\u003e/events\u003c/code\u003e will give a new \u003ccode\u003et\u003c/code\u003e","id":441900,"user_id":151695,"user_name":"Josh\u0027s Socks","room_id":241,"room_name":"XMPP","message_id":254566,"parent_id":254563,"show_parent":true}],"t":441901,"d":2}}
The next post to /events will use that value
for r<id>
So it's a time/session-id thing
I'll bet this is how they have only one poll for all rooms
which means the structure of my code may need to change. One chat feed for all rooms. No, that's not correct. I need one chat feed for every logged in user
Right now each SOXMPP_Room has it's own SOChatFeed. I need to change that so each SOXMPP_LoggedInUser has his/her own SOChatFeed
That shouldn't be too difficult
But, I need some dinner first :-)
Early alpha of XMPP integration is almost here @rchern! :-)
11:57 PM
test failed! mwuahaha
is useful

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