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9:49 AM
@HebeleHododo Done. That was a bizarre edit, IMO.
5 hours later…
2:57 PM
Q: Is there a way to filter network requests using Google Chrome developer tools?

Adam LeeI am wondering if we can filter out some requests usign Chrome developer tools, say, filter out all image requests.

Voting to reopen; this shouldn't be considered off topic. Chrome/WebKit developer tools clearly are "software tools commonly used by programmers" (as permitted in the faq); I've often made use of the filtering options while developing. — Jeremy Banks 10 secs ago
11:34 PM
A: Replace the directory of an image src, using Javascript

James BoneI'll answer your second question here as the comment won't allow me to multi-line. var s1 = string.substring(0, string.substring('//')); var s2 = string.substring(string.substring('//')+1); string = s1+'550/'+s2; http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_indexof.asp

Is this an answer, or is it a comment reply to his other answer?

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