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9:00 AM
Impressed my animated gif has been so quicky removed (it lagged all my IE8)
so, how long til someone posts goatse?
@JeffAtwood Does that mean we can find the mod channel transcript if we try hard enough? :D
9:00 AM
@JeffAtwood They're probably waiting for somebody to write it into a plugin
@robsoft yes, it's good for escalation when you need a lot of back and forth talking
9:00 AM
@JeffAtwood It'll be a case of 'CHAT DUEL: You're wrong about this bug and we both know it. In the chat room 8:45 tonight GMT. IF YOU DARE...' etc. :-)
@YiJiang you can try! it's a beta! make it break!
how are we doing these tags?
It's like when I realised chrome had no native RSS support
9:01 AM
@JeffAtwood does markup code work here?
Slight WTF
mini-markdown is supported -- bold, italic, link, codeblock
@IvanKrechetov 24 chars...
bold italic 'code'
9:01 AM
same as comments on SE engine sites
this is code!
printf "hello world";
Anyway, love this. It's really well done. I hope it takes off, I can see me arranging to meet S/O people here etc. Congratulations. Now I have to go and do some paying work... :-)
@alexanderpas OK
9:02 AM
hey guys
BOLD well ucase is good also :$
9:02 AM
is this using node.js ?
nice completion
@aperson where is "Shakopee"?
<script type="text/javascript">alert("hello!");</script>
@JeffAtwood still not getting those tags...
9:03 AM
while(str1[i]!=0) str2[j++]=str1[i++];
rick roled
thank god there is no autoplay
9:03 AM
\u003cpre class=\u0027full\u0027\u003
@User136795 BAD
Hey why doesn't my username sync with StackOverflow?
I have like 6 chat windows, skype, twitter.. email open.. head asplode
9:05 AM
Is this implemented with polling AJAX?
@User132987 yes
well guys, this has been fun and all
Hi guys
but I've got to do exercises on elliptic curves cryptography
for my cryptography exam.
9:05 AM
yes, it's a fairly traditional implementation, except we use.. some HTML5 features and jQuery
@JeffAtwood lol... I started enjoying trillian for that very reason
I hope you understand.
@JeffAtwood wait that won't work in Inte.... oh... wait, it doesn't matter.
bye everybody!
Florian, you need to copy your profile from SO, then log back in
9:07 AM
@iconiK yes it does -- IE8 supports HTML5 localStorage (somewhat)
later @agos
@balpha not that it would matter. When was the last time you've seen a dev using IE?
@iconiK this isn't only for devs
So how's the chat's implementation divided?
9:08 AM
every stackexchange site will have this chat
Ah, okay
how you guys are pushing messages to client browser?
Is it essentially a client running in HTML5, speaking a well-defined AJAX protocol to a server?
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510
5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1
9:09 AM
I think server is polled isnt it ?
@ChrisHanson HTML5 isn't required, but used if present. Other than that -- pretty much yes
Nice try
@balpha Cool, thanks. So a client like Adium could implement protocol support and provide a native user experience.
9:10 AM
@ChrisHanson it's certainly possible to implement the protocol in a non-browser
"is this doing sth actually"?
9:14 AM
Green Elf Shot Teh Food
Markdown links work
Anyone else rolling in CST?
p {
9:16 AM
I wonder if I could cause a stack overflow on the server. Hmm...
@JustinBiard you only have rep on area 51? that's odd
@ivan we don't support image markdown links, only regular html page markdown links
no html supported I suppose, right?
just mini-markdown
you ruined the fun
@JeffAtwood I think I have very little rep on a few sites but they don't seem to be linked. just haven't had time to figure it out.
9:19 AM
uh the stared llist is not sorted ?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra dui id tellus dapibus scelerisque. Phasellus consequat semper eros sed tincidunt. Cras vestibulum congue adipiscing. Integer turpis magna, blandit vel porta eget, cursus at augue. Aliquam libero sem, vestibulum ut dapibus et, viverra sed elit. Nullam egestas tincidunt elementum. Vivamus eleifend pulvinar erat, quis ullamcorper nunc commodo sed. In tincidunt venenatis nisi non fringilla. Proin convallis neque at velit venenatis vel aliquam dui condimentum. Etiam neque dui, aliquet quis tempor sed, vehicula eu nisi. Ali
by what? it doesn't seem to be
@controlbreak yes it is -- by a very secret proprietary hotness algorithm
I expected it to be sorted by add time
sounds like it is sorted by its GUID
Damn, what's the message length?
maximum I mean
9:21 AM
@balpha same hotness as on ?
omg. I want this for my office backchannel.
Jerry wasn't the sort of guy who would normally vent frustration out loud at work, yet here he was - cursing into the air at two individuals in particular - the first round of explitives being directed at the toolbag, somewhere, who had botched months of server backups by reusing the same set of tapes for months and the other being a long ago departed developer whose name he was continually being subjected to in the comments of the rotten shell script he was now stepping through.

What had started out as a 7:30am ticket from an early-bird user getting a error message when trying to open a s
@iconiK that were 36 paragraphs, 4403 words, 29849 bytes of Lorem Ipsum
how much rep would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck rep?
9:23 AM
Ooh hey, equations...
@alexanderpas It doesn't want 3k characters without a single space though.
Oh boo, it's just a png
Eeew, math.
if you want equations see they have zillions
9:23 AM
@JustinBiard I see these accounts:
In general, all's super-über-well-done. Great job, guys!
@Jeff, his MSO account isn't linked:
I think
No wait I fail sips more coffee
yes, you fail
/me fails
What? No /me?!
9:26 AM
This chat lacks of the /me action
it is just very rare to find someone who has the most rep at Area 51. Rare like...
@alexanderpas succeeds!
This looks good
/me slaps @JeffAtwood with a trout.
9:28 AM
did you guys see the reputation leagues at ?
we now show some (imho) very interesting stats in the sidebar there
Yup, but it's not very likely i will be in there
drill into a week on your site of choice
Of course, Jon Skeet beats everyone hands-down.
WEEK people.. WEEK! you can be in the top 20 for a week!
9:29 AM
Holy cripes Jeff...
though it is crazy how much rep is generated on SO. the rep cap is 200.. but accepted answers and bounties are immune.
@JeffAtwood why do you win on MSO for month, quarter AND year?
Are there stats about that?
9:30 AM
Are you guys just having meetings at SE HQ, sitting around and thinking "We're bored, what should we do now?" Every time I turn around I feel like you're working on something new. It's starting to approach Google levels of ADHD
@JeffAtwood check yer codes, Skeet overflowed the rep.
yeah but month and quarter and week all go to other users
I don't see Skeet in the top 10 for this week
@JeffAtwood I have some rep on meta as well but pfft. I'm still digging for supporters of link this
9:31 AM
teh skeet has already answered everything.
@DanielBingham well, I like to think we're working on things that are useful and our community wants. Unlike.. say.. cough Google Wave
@JeffAtwood I liked Wave...
@JeffAtwood how often is the weekly league board updated?
@JeffAtwood Google Buzz
9:32 AM
for example, the reputation leagues are based on a few other things the community created like
Q: Stackathlon: Users active on all three of SO, SF and SU

Dennis WilliamsonScreenshot About It's surprising how few people are active on all three of Stack Overflow, Server Fault and Super User. Well, maybe not so surprising. But it's a big world; you'd think there'd be more. In any case, Stackathlon is intended to foster a little friendly, fun competition. Perhaps...

@Jeff - those buttons @ the end of d page on stachexchange seems very GIRLISH...please change them
Q: SOLT - Stack Overflow League Tables

codeka About SOLT is an implementation of this idea of Jon Skeet's. Basically, it's a fun little app where you enter your Stack Overflow (or Server Fault or Super User) username, and it ranks you against other members, based on reputation change in a single month. If you feel somewhat overwhelmed by...

@Chinmay we are comfortable in our button sexuality
@Chinmay Girly is good, remember, is also there...
@JeffAtwood Fair enough.
9:34 AM
who wants to lose time in chickless chatrooms x_X
websites with page extensions ending in .nsf are like little "abandon all hope ye who enter here" signs
@controlbreak You prefer to spend time in chatrooms swarming with baby chickens? Doesn't the chirping drive you nuts after a while?
9:36 AM
is someone address u in bounce ur pic on right dock...liked this feature
And now I need something to cuddle...
@DanielBingham @JeffAtwood awww cute ! isn't it much better ? :D
@JeffAtwood how'd you link that tweet in here?
9:37 AM
I feel hungry now
paste the status link.
websites with page extensions ending in .nsf are like little "abandon all hope ye who enter here" signs
@controlbreak you eat baby chickens? You monster!
@alexanderpas thanks
@iconiK I'll be starting by their eggs, it they dont mind
Wow... just noticed my CPU monitor - it's going berzerk. Single chatroom open and nothing else is causing firefox to hover consistently between 40% - 60% of CPU usage.
Oh... and now it stopped... it was the bouncing image thing
there it goes again...
What is the .nsf extension?
@DanielBingham - CPU usage seems stable to me.
9:40 AM
@alexanderpas - think you just did what I did. When auto-completing a name, hit tab, not enter!
we've been through many optimization rounds.. not saying there aren't more to come, but all the low-hanging fruit is pretty much gone
@Dominic Whenever someone @Daniel's me my portrait in the sidebar bounces and the CPU goes nuts.
ˆˆ RT @swiertz: @controlbreak :)-&gt; RT @bureauista Microsoft Word just autocorrected my typing of Chewbacca to add an initial capital letter.
@DanielBingham youw browser sucks then.
Part of it may be the single CPU pentium four laptop on I'm right now, probably wouldn't be as bad on a newer machine.
9:41 AM
@DanielBingham - my CPU still stayed stable when you did that - what browser are you using (I'm in Chrome 6)
it's doing this annoying thing in firefox where it redraws noticeably whenever you post a message. I guess it might be better in Chrome.
browser's fine - Firefox 3.6.8
@DanielBingham windows or linux?
its great in Chrome
Ubuntu 10.04
9:41 AM
Chrome 6 doesn't go over 5% usage, I have 10 tabs open; C2D
are you checking all 6 chrome processes? :P
or 10 rather
yes, all combined
yeah runs quite well in chrome here too
It's probably the antique of a computer I'm on
only 20-40% usage as usual here, on a eeepc with ubuntu lucid.
9:43 AM
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pc.
jQuery animations are on a 13ms frame interval repeating for the bounce...single core = absolutely horrible for setInterval() operations :)
btw, what are the recommended browsers for chat.meta?
okay, time for me to check out - dinner time in Thailand
9:45 AM
@Sandy not opera!
who think that IE HW acceleration will create a new generation of online gaming ?
+ Jitted javascript
@sandy Chrome without a doubt
9:45 AM
@controlbreak not just IE, Chrome nightly has HW acceleration as well :)
@NickCraver I did not know chrome has
@controlbreak V8 and WebKit will make IE cry at JS performance
Alright guys. So long and thanks for all the fish... I'm out. gotta get back to this ODI package.
are there any online base52 encoders?
@alexand - Geez!!! I don't prefer opera
9:47 AM
V8 turbocharged browser.
IE9 won't fix anything though. points at the hordes of IE6 users
@Jeff - I'm using Chrome :-)
@JustinBiard get on top of those webmaster and gamedev commitments man!
the new solaris login screen : Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Please insert coin to continue...
@iconiK Windows 7 SP1 will hopefully do something about that, allowing many to skip to IE8 at least
9:48 AM
wait, never mind -- I want an encoder that will use A-Za-z0-9 so that's.. what.. base 26 + 26 + 10 = 62?
I'm a potato
@NickCraver but you still haven't fixed the problem of IE6/7
@NickCraver that would require windows 8.
Facebook ditches Internet Explorer 6 for its chat. If that isn't the death of IE6, nothing is. #RIP
@iconiK Many companies upgrade at the SP1 can't run IE6 on Win 7
9:49 AM
@JeffAtwood What on earth are you trying to achieve?
@balpha Thank god! Maybe chat will be a little more stable then.
IE9's latest platform preview, as of a few weeks ago took over 30 seconds to load chat here. So their real world performance is still attrocious, benchmarks are great and all, but if you can't load a webpage....
@jeffatwood Sure will. crazy times. Catching back to life this Oct->Dec.
@NickCraver W7 is so good it seems stupid to wait for SP1. Heck I instantly moved all my computers on the beta when it was released.
@JeffAtwood add _ and - and you have base 64 and = for padding ;)
9:50 AM
I'm trying to see how much savings we can get by encoding post ids as base 62
for the new short url stuff we're doing
er. back up anyways. ok peace.
@JeffAtwood ...2 bytes
@iconiK Companies with 100k+ machines can't make decisions like that so hastily, it has to be out in the wild and all the kinks worked out before you move (and invest in upgrading your intranet sites, probably)
@JeffAtwood use base64, - and _ are url safe ;)
@NickCraver wait, kinks? What's that? </sarcasm>
9:51 AM
The problem with base62 is those 2 values you can't encode
A: Need a smaller alternative to GUID for DB ID but still unique and random for URL

CraigTPOne interesting mechanism I've used in the past is to internally just use an incrementing integer/long, but to "map" that integer to a alphanumeric "code". The following code shows a simple class that will change a long to a "code" (and back again!): public static class ShortCodes { private sta...

@JeffAtwood - this may do it
until a site passes 14 million posts, 4 chars in base62 do it
at the rate SO is growing, that'll happen in just a few years
much faster than that I'd think, isn't the sequence shared between questions and answers?
9:55 AM
oh right
so ist currently at 3.6m
I was thinking of the 900k+ active questions
Hehehehehehehe ^^
9:57 AM
highest number (for now) ?
Q: xslt transformation

medusahi! i have an xml like this: <Ownership_Shareholders_S> <Ownership_Shareholders> <CUSTOMER_31>A</CUSTOMER_31> <PERCENT_NAME_OF_OWNERS_32>40%</PERCENT_NAME_OF_OWNERS_32> </Ownership_Shareholders> <Owners...

is syntax highlighting planned ?
9:58 AM
const string shortcode_Keyspace = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
@JeffAtwood this room needs a compiler.
@iconiK I earlier made comments about integration with

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