In relation to an ongoing election, this post was mentioned: Include information about elections in the newsletter. One of the tags on that question is newsletter, which is a synonym of community-digests. I have noticed that: Searching for [election] "cast your vote" shows this question among th...
To get this on SE's radar, a status-review tag needs be added to the question. A bounty draws attention from users, which is helpful when it needs more support or user input, but doesn't let the company know about the issue. Adding a status-review tag generates a ticket in SE's task system, which will be triaged into a feature request/bug sent to developers. Without a status-review tag, it should be assumed SE doesn't even know about the issue. To have a status-review tag added to the question, raise an "in need of moderator intervention" flag to request it be added. — Makyen 15 hours ago
@Makyen Well, a rather similar post on meta.SO is tagged (status-review): How to find a question by its old tag when that tag is synonymized with another. — Martin 10 hours ago
AFAICT this is either status-bydesign or at least it is not very likely to get fixed soon (if at all).
So the way I see it, "getting attention from users" is a reasonable thing to do - so that more people are aware of this problem. (And try various other methods for searching when they know that there is a synonym.)
And, of course, bounty could bring this to the attention of the mods too - and if they consider this important enough, they might add the status-review tag.
At the same time, a Stack Overflow mod told me that they consider this a bug and that it was reported in the linked thread.
Worth noting that at the moment, merging is required to work around a synonym/search bug where synonymised tags don't appear in search or on the tag page. The main reason mergers don't happen is that there are roughly 1000 unmerged synonyms, which requires a lot of moderator time to process — Zoe ♦ Jun 30 at 13:40
@Zoe So that is actually considered a bug? I've been told that it is the expected behavior - for example here; or maybe, an unimportant edge case could be a better description. ("In practice, an unmerged tag synonym will behave incorrectly. The software is not really designed for this case. Ask a moderator to merge the tags.") — Martin Jun 30 at 14:22
The link in that comment goes to: How to find a question by its old tag when that tag is synonymized with another.
On Meta, chatgpt has been synonymized with ai-generated-content, but when I go to its tag page, there are only 7 questions listed when I know that there were way more questions with the chatgpt tag alone. Sure enough, there are some questions that are tagged chatgpt but cannot be found by either ...
@Makyen Following your suggestion, I have flagged for the moderators' attention. I still think that putting a bounty here is not completely useless - I tried to explain this here in chat. — Martin 18 secs ago
2 hours later…
In relation to an ongoing election, this post was mentioned: Include information about elections in the newsletter. One of the tags on that question is newsletter, which is a synonym of community-digests. I have noticed that: Searching for [election] "cast your vote" shows this question among th...
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