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12:02 AM
Fair to say, we also don't regard Wikipedia as a reliable source of information - on most sites we ask for primary sources, i.e. research papers and text-book answers, whereas Wikipedia is considered a secondary source and a good starting-point for research, but not the end-all.
@W.O., I am not asking to recieve a yes or a no accompanied with an opinion, I mean: what do you do to ensure reliability on your network of sites. I think I need to edit the question.
@W.O. also don't make fun of my brain; we all make mistakes, including you.
The answer to that question is in the tour and the FAQ and help centres of every site - it is not a single statement but a process of quality control - reputation is a moderately good metric, but should not be taken as a guarantee in any particular instance.
I'm not making fun of you, I'm making fun of naïve ideas - it's one of the ways that we learn in life, challenging ideas. Beliefs can come in for highly irreverent comments unless backed by reasoned argument making reference to facts. It happens to everyone.
@W.O., I only accept that from friends... Anyways, please add an answer to my question summarizing the rules.
12:19 AM
You'll come to regard everyone here as friends, or you'll have a nervous breakdown or rage-quit. The answer to this question is redundant as it already appears in the FAQ and help centres, tour. If someone else wants to answer, then fine, but I'm not going to.
@W.O. Mention a link here; as I can't find a clear answer to my concern.
@W.O. You're right, being friends will highly faciliate the process of accepting an answer.
Don't favour friends, favour quality answers, that's the whole point else the quality drops.... As I stated, it's a process of quality control. Start with the tour, then read-up in the help centre about how to ask a good question, how to answer etc., then about how reputation works, how votes work, - it's all laid out in the help-centre under individual headings. On per-site metas, the search facility helps with specific points.
12:37 AM
@W.O., Do you allow beginners to learn by experiencing instead of having to apply too many rules at once?
There's a main-meta post that might interest you: how do we prevent low quality Qs and As, it's 11 years old, but interesting.
Is it bad that I prefer to delete questions and ask better ones or don't?
Beginner - there's a move to improve the new-user experience (there always has been, it's a process of site-evolution). There was a question wizard but it went.
There's talk about a template or some kind of staging-ground for new questions, in beta testing at present.
We prefer people edit their question rather than deleting it and reposting.
But if it recieved too much downvotes, it will still seem bad after editing, right?
That doesn't matter, the question will pop-up to the top of the site's page and receive more attention, and further votes as appropriate. Old downvotes can then be cancelled or converted to upvotes - it depends on the quality of the question.
12:54 AM
Is there is a way I can talk to you or to another moderator to ask simple and quick questions which I can't find an answer for?
Isn't that what you've just been doing for the last several hours? When you've sufficient reputation (you already have) then you can create chat rooms such as this one. Else, searching on metas or main meta is your best bet. bookmarking the link to all chat rooms might help you. chat.meta.stackexchange.com
Just pop into an active one and ask away. Make sure you search thoroughly for an answer first else they might get irritated.
Most sites have chatrooms, I'll leave it to your ingenuity to find them :)
So Stack Exchange should be my second option for finding answers?
Answers about what? If you mean answers about physics, biology etc. then the main sites are best - if about how to find a feature of the network, then the search facility on every page of the network would be your next port of call - chat is for chat and informal help, not Q&A.
Not to forget metas and the help centres, they should become familiar in time.
1:17 AM
Thanks for help. Goodbye.
Bye. Oh, this room has been orphaned and will disappear in a while, but see you on the main sites.
Why? I want to able to access it later!

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