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5:42 PM
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9:41 PM
10:05 PM
whatever sounds good to me
amWhy has removed amWhy from the list of this room's owners.
Hello, @leslie, in real-time, to boot! I'm looking into Wordle! How's the munchkin feeling?
she is OK. maybe a little too high-spirited, if i'm being honest.
@leslietownes How much longer, before she can go back to day care?
she's back today. because the weather is good they are mostly meeting out of doors.
aside from her cough, which improved over the last week, she has none of the covid symptoms, so we don't know. this is prime time for respiratory stuff in general.
10:19 PM
@leslietownes Yeah, Some are even referring to "flurona"... :/
@quid :-)
@leslie I caught the sentences in the Georgia Arbery convicted. Also saw the Theranos trial and verdict. But more importantly, how are you and your wife feeling?
i have whatever my daughter has. so i have to take naps in the day. my wife is fine.
the theranos trial is interesting. i assume there will be an appeal. it would surprise me if there is ever any jail time.
@leslietownes I've been on the fence, myself. My "allergies" have been especially acting up, and itchy hives, occasional nausea, only floating though. Needing more sleep, too.
securities fraud is really hard to prove. it's not illegal to be delusional about the success of your business.
i had hives too. breakouts sunday morning and yesterday.
By allergies I mean, excessive sneezing, eyes itching/watering, and itchy skin: but then maybe I've been a bit negligent on dusting and vacuuming. Did I ever tell you I'm allergic to a lot, including dust, and cats? Yet I've owned at least one for the last 32 years! Achoo!
ha, my best friend is allergic to cats. i know that she loves me because she visits anyway and even holds the cat.
we had to shoo the cat out of our fruit bowl a minute ago. she'd decided that it was a cat bed although it contained several pears.
10:35 PM
@leslietownes Hah! ;D
i mean, everything is by default a cat bed. but not something with fruit in it.
I'm going to turn into a cat lady; while keeping my thermostat lower due to 160% increases in the cost of natural gas for heating, I broke down and plugged in a heating pad, on low, underneath a layer in Shai's favorite sleeping spot! I mean really, heat rises, and the poor boy exists close to the floor.
@leslietownes Exactly!
although in livvy's defense, it was approximately cat-shaped.
we have a pressure-activated heated bed for olivia. she steps in, and it heats up to her body temperature. about $40 on amazon.
@leslietownes Hahaha!
@leslietownes Awesome idea! Imma gonna take a look!
it's exactly this.… gosh, prices have gone up
very durable however. we have had it for 4 years. a lint roller is enough to clean it.
10:56 PM
@leslietownes I'll get mine on Thursday! Thanks!!
because the label on it has an H, which is the one letter my daughter most reliably recognizes, she sometimes insists it's hers and sits in it, pointing to the label as an explanation.
the cat finds this confusing.
@leslietownes That's hilarious! Poor olivia!! In protest, olivia should spread herself across Helena's pillow before H gets into bed!!
oh, she does that.
they sleep together most nights, at least for a while.
it's adorable.
@leslietownes I bet! My Rinah, shai's sibling who died young, would sleep most of the night in my bed. I used a body pillow/king size pillow, so she'd lie close to my face, with her head on the pillow, next to me. Sometimes I'd turn around to face the other direction, but she'd just move to the other side of the pillow then!
Hello @amWhy
11:10 PM
@ParamanandSingh Hello!!! Thanks for stopping in!
@Paramanand How is mod life suiting you? I know there are perks, and drawbacks, when wearing the mod hat. But we're honored to have you!
@amWhy: all I can say is that it's a very different experience. And it is really tough to live up to expectations of users. But I just need to keep trying hard
@ParamanandSingh "You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." You're doing a very good job; in particular, I've never seen you dismiss anyone. And that's huge. You make decisions, but remain respectful to all.… cites the source, and official quote.
@amWhy: thanks for the feedback. And really glad to see you back on chat. Quid had mentioned about this a few days ago
11:28 PM
Still haven't gotten used to the "comment notification" sound in chats!
@leslie Yikes, I haven't been able to tell you yet: I've got a bird/birds who take refuge in my range hood (ventilates to the exterior). Noise, when it's bitter cold. Come spring I'll clean it out (eight years ago, it was a hornet's nest!), and ensure there is a fine mesh firmly attached!!
fun! do you know what kind of bird?
i haven't told you yet that, when we took down our christmas lights, we put up another string of lights because a pair of hummingbirds has come to sit on them. and we didn't want them to go away.
11:48 PM
I'm almost positive it's an American Goldfinch; precisely matches the chirps I hear, and from the sight of them. Shai is mesmerized by them, and when he's in a window, near my bird feeder, I can literally hear him "cat chirp"... a sound he makes only when he's mesmerized by birds.
oh yeah, the chirp that cats do with flying objects. that's something else.
livvy likes the hummingbirds too.
@leslietownes I love hummingbirds!
she's also met a lizard who comes and suns himself on a bench outside our living room window. livvy goes up and pounds the glass with their paw. in a children's book, they would be friends.
@leslietownes Sweet! In WI we get only toads and frogs and grass snakes, and only in warmer weather! :P
this lizard is great. i'm sure he knows about the cat.
they've had four or five days of hanging out together.
i'll hear the hitting of the window and ask my wife downstairs, is the lizard there again? and he is.
we certainly have toads and frogs although i have not seen them. long beach is lizard territory.
11:58 PM
@quid @leslie's lizard ... I can resist offering yet another nickname: quizard (quid + wizard, or quid + czar) ;D
our old house (built in the 1920s) was falling apart and all sorts of things would enter through cracks in the walls. we once narrowly prevented olivia from killing a lizard who had wandered in.
she was in the kitchen 'playing' with it, and i thought, uh oh.
we got him out. he lost his tail.

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