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3:55 PM
Is this secret or can anyone read these?
@BenKelly Re: Updated and bundle size. That is a tough problem for you guys to have - Long-term I'd really suggest you find a solution that makes the bundle size less relevant (JIT downloading, load on demand, etc)... As the grammars are improved (SE has contributed to this) the bundle sizes are going to slowly increase. It's also our desire to do higher fidelity highlighting - that will also increase the size of ALL the individual grammars.
10% sounds like a LOT a single release (did you identify the root cause?) off the top of my head, but the general direction we're headed is "slowly larger". Prism has I think always been a better choice if "smallest size possible" is your highest priority.
I would not suggest "lagging a version of two behind"... generally if we release a new minor release and it's solid a few weeks later I'd suggest it's reasonably solid. Major regressions are found in a few days/first week and result in a x.x.1 release. One could also look at the release itself and make a determination on how "risky" it was.
A release that only improves language grammars is likely much safer than one that included a bullet point like "completely rewrote the whole library this week!!!!" :-)
One can see the size trend with our NPM stats: packagephobia.com/result?p=highlight.js Although this isn't a perfect match for SE since obviously it depends on WHICH languages you're building.
4:21 PM
I'd be very curious to know if Prism was also considered before we were chosen and what led to us winning. :-)
6 hours later…
10:45 PM
Not a secret, this is a public room :). As for your points, I agree with you 100%. I've also seen your [recent post](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/355852/) on autohighlighting and agree with your points there as well. I know this isn't helpful, but my only comment at the moment is "you're doing a great job and I'm working on it". Not very satisfying, I know.

As for 10% sounding like a lot, that's really only 4k in this case and it came entirely from little bits here and there that contributed to bug fixes. I'm looking into alternatives to the way we load our syntaxes so we can h
I'd really love to contribute some code back upstream myself, but this year has been hectic for me/the company, between 2020 being, well... awful for everyone and being generally shorthanded. Good news is, we're hiring, which will allow me to focus more of my time on our woefully out of date front-end. The syntax highlighting predates me by about 8 years, and it shows :)

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