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6:32 PM
Q: People have been serial voting me for days and now I'm banned

Tobi Akinyemi Today Yesterday Someone is obviously spending their spare time downvoting my posts - to get me banned. I have strong suspicions on who it is, someone who has been harassing me almost daily for the past week. He and his friends serial critique/downvote /closed my questions (even on other w...

Please don't call out specific people by name on meta.
@Catija They need to take responsibility for their behaviour
This site is not the meta for DSP. So naming and shaming them here is of little use. Regardless, this is not how you do this. If you have a complaint, talk to the mods on your site about it or fill out the contact form and ask for assistance of staff.
@πάνταῥεῖ does this look like a question?
@TobiAkinyemi There's your answer though.
6:32 PM
Serial voting is normally reversed—as the first screenshot actually shows. If the same people serial downvote again in a short period of time, their accounts should be temporarily suspended. Also, you have not been banned from asking questions. You have simply reached the maximum number of questions you can ask in a given period of time—also as indicated by a screenshot. You simply have to wait a little while, then you can ask another question.
@Catija Instead of critiquing my post asking for help, are you going to help with this overt harassment/cyberbullying?
@JasonBassford No, I'm question limited due to the downvotes. And I know you know that. I've not asked a question in 2 days
@TobiAkinyemi As mentioned, here's the course of action: "If the 24 hours has already passed and the suspicious votes have not been reversed, you can then flag one of your own posts and explain what happened so a moderator can look into it. It is generally preferred that you avoid asking about them on a site's meta, since details of the investigation cannot be divulged and you won't actually get any information that will be useful to other members of the community."
@Catija I'm banned because someone who has been harassing / emailing me has gone and downvoted my posts over 10 times; and your response is to close my call for help, providing no help. Why are you a moderator?
@TobiAkinyemi, you should ask on the appropriate site. Judging from your screenshots, this ain't it.
@Catija The main moderator of the website is part of the collective that downvote / close my posts
6:32 PM
@TobiAkinyemi You can even escalate this to the community moderators, but asking here isn't the way.
How do I escalate to community moderators?
@TobiAkinyemi "The main moderator of the website is part of the collective that downvote" You cannot know that. "How do I escalate to community moderators?" Here.
"They need to take responsibility for their behaviour" -- 1) You have no idea who it is. 2) No matter who it is, there's nothing you personally can do to stop them. Calling someone out like this is of little use, and will only justify their behaviour. 3) Assuming bad faith anywhere is the absolute easiest way to ensure you don't get the resolution you actually want.
@πάνταῥεῖ, will not the offending users get suspended for voting irregularities?
@Ollie If there's proof usually yes. But maybe not for the 1st attempt.
6:32 PM
@πάνταῥεῖ, aren't their votes on one user's posts recorded, then removed?
@fbueckert Assuming bad faith? They spent 2 days downvoting all of my questions. They've harrased me on multiple stack exchange forums. Because of them I'm question banned. They've gone out of their way to PERSONALLY EMAIL ME. What more do you need?
Wait, you got emailed by them? Why don't you lead with that? That'll do far more for your case than complaining here. Let their words speak for you, instead. I'd recommend either adding that to your question here, or sending it along in any email you send to the CMs.
@Ollie The proof is in this post, what are you talking about?
@fbueckert I included that in the question. Maybe you should have read it.
Right. A sentence that I skimmed over. Missed that, my bad. That should be front and center, not buried in the middle of your rant. The ad hominem attacks don't help and distract from what could be a valid argument in your support.
@fbueckert it's not a rant. I'm documenting harassment and you're in the comments complaining instead of providing any help
6:32 PM
Tobi, if this is serial voting, it'll be reversed, like the duplicate explains and people here have said too. While the question ban seems serious, it might help to take a bit of a breath: if the voting is reversed, so will be your ban. :) The part about people harassing you is more serious, but you can always flag one of your own posts or theirs for moderator intervention and explain the situation. That way, moderators on that site can look into it, there's not much we can see/do from here except sympathize...
Okay. I guess that's what I get for trying to help you improve your post.'s complaining. Okie dokie. I'll show myself out...
@Tinkeringbell I have flagged many of their comments on my posts and absolutely nothing happens. The main morderator jojek has been part of the downvoting and closing of my questions with little explanation. They're clearly ganging up on me and have a moderator to help them
@TobiAkinyemi Well if you have proof for a moderator abuse (e.g. the source and text of that personal mailing), then I'd recommend you follow this recourse:…
@πάνταῥεῖ All the "community moderator" cajia did was come and close this question - provided no help or suggestion. And I've been attacked by people in the comments. There's clearly no support here
Either you have deleted your closed questions, or they were eventually reopened? If you have deleted questions over there as well, they might count towards your ban too, so at this point it really, really needs someone that has moderator powers over at that site to take a look instead of me or anyone else here. If you are sure the moderator is abusing their powers, you can follow the link in @πάνταῥεῖ comment. Though at this time, it seems more like you're going through the struggles of being a new user on a site, and having to get up to speed with their quality guidelines than anything else.
6:32 PM
@Tinkeringbell I deleted some questions because they down-voted them into oblivion. They also closed them, so there was no point having them visible - to have a stain on my reputation.
@TobiAkinyemi, deleting too many will stain your reputation further. That's not helping your case any.
@Tinkeringbell I show you someone is serial downvoting me, harrasing me on multiple websites, emailing me, and you tell me im "just having trouble getting up to speed with their guidelines"?
@TobiAkinyemi, to be fair, you only included screenshots of a single site in your post. What other sites?
@TobiAkinyemi For the record: @Catija wasn't involved to close this question.
I clearly stated math.stackexchange. they got my question closed over there after i tried to seek help from a different audience after they downvoted and closed my question and they continued arguing in my comments and downvoting / closevoting
6:33 PM
@TobiAkinyemi Okay. One step at a time?
1. Meta Stackexchange is the site where people can ask about stuff that's affecting the whole network. While your harassment may occur on multiple sites, there's not a moderator that's a moderator on all these sites here. Your best bet for that is to use the contact-us link at the bottom of each page: It'll create a ticket for SE employees to look at.
It may take long, but they're the only ones that can see what's going on with all your profiles on all your sites.
how about I at least get unbanned?
They have the power to infinitely downvote my posts, with their reputation
this is a joke
The ban is entirely automated, no employee can undo that. But they can reverse the serial voting, if that is what is happening.
the most toxic forum I've encountered
if that is whats happening?
you're still insinuating I'm just making this all up#
6:35 PM
That wasn't my intention.
I am however going to ask you if you're willing to talk with me and work on this, or if I can better go spend my time talking to the streetlamp outside?
Because I have a feeling you're not really processing what I'm saying right now.
from <email redacted, please do not expose private information in our site>
That's a link I'd rather not click on. Could you tell us what it is?
It's a printscreen, it's safe
What was the initial email they send you?
6:38 PM
Oh, I do believe you've got e-mails. I'm... just not sure what you expect SE to do about it, and I'm very curious to see what was in the top of that e-mail chain.

I do think you handled it well: You requested they leave you alone there, just don't respond further and they'll likely will :)
I have my Twitter linked in my profile. I get people calling me fat there from time to time... it kinda is a risk whenever you link your SE profile to any other, more private means of conversation.
I told him to stop following me across different websites with his friends to downvote / close my question
which they did anyway
@TobiAkinyemi Okay. But then we're back to what I started saying a while back...
now, over a week later
theyre continuing to serially downvote my question
6:41 PM
Do you understand how moderation generally works on SE?
So just ignore them. Leave it to the mods; their serial votes should be reversed.
Each site has a few moderators, etc...?
they literally downvoted my questions, it got reversed
and then they kept doing it... are you serious
I'm BANNED due to their downvotes
do you think I care about reputation?
If it got reversed, it means someone with some authority is watching. If it keeps up they should be punished.
Otherwise, please escalate this to CM by using "contact us". We can't really help.
6:42 PM
@TobiAkinyemi If it was serial, it'll be reversed. People here keep telling you that :)
I already tried to escelate it
no response
i already flagged their comments
Okay. What did you try?
nothing happens.
what more do you want me to do?
I try and get help from meta stack exchange, they close my question and attack me in comments
what am I supposed to do?
@TobiAkinyemi Well, flagging comments alone won't alert anyone to you being serially downvoted.
Then please wait really patiently. The CM team is short of people and they have to handle so many reports.
6:43 PM
@TobiAkinyemi It's not an attack. People were all trying to help you, but it's kinda like I said... talking to that streetlamp outside.
This is bigger than down votes
theyre harrassing me
do you understand that?
Really, while we want to help, there's nothing that we can help.
I think the whole room understands that by now.
theyre harrassing me, and the only moderator on the website is their friend
Do the offending users have certain privileges, or are they mods?
6:45 PM
@TobiAkinyemi Have you used this link to escalate your issue?
yes, smoeone posted it earlier and i reported it there too
Okay. Well, then at that point, all you really can do is wait patiently, like Andrew said.
I'm sorry, there really isn't anything else we can do except say we're sorry!
@Tinkeringbell, can't a moderator from another site interfere? Or is that a CM's job?
@Ollie It's a CMs job at this point, because the harassment is over multiple sites. I don't know of anyone that moderates all the sites mentioned, so there's no one that has a bird's eye view here except the CMs.
@Ollie Interfere? We try to work together whenever possible.
6:48 PM
@Ollie mods from other sites don't have mod powers...
And furthermore we have no cross-site powers whatsoever.
@fbueckert I'm pretty sure he meant it in the way of stopping the harassment ;)
He/him thanks :), but yes that's what I meant.
@Ollie mod abuse ;)
@Tinkeringbell, will the mod be punished? Moderators have power, and should wield it properly. Which is kind of obvious, but I've not been here too long :)
6:51 PM
@Ollie Moderating in general is punishment enough :P
@Tinkeringbell yeah, I guess :), but you know what I meant (?)
I like the unlimited editing though, also for comments. I really miss it on sites where I'm not a moderator :)
I'm not quite there yet :), so I've no idea.
@Ollie Some of it is free to read:… ;)
But, ahh...we should be discussing the OP's problem, should we not? Or is that all we can do.
6:54 PM
As a mod on unrelated site, I believe that's all we can do now.
I think we did all we could. I hope Tobi gets a satisfying answer from the CMs. And yeah, moving the chitchat to the general MSE chatroom is always a good idea :)
Should we?
After you!
@TobiAkinyemi It can take quite a while if you escalated some problem to community moderation. Usually it's about 2-3 weeks minimum.
7:45 PM
The serial downvoting you describe will automatically be reversed
You assume it will be fixed.
they only downvoted 3 today. Even if it is fixed, tomorrow it'll be 2
yesterday 7 in a row
not to mention their habitual downvoting of my questions
8:03 PM
@TobiAkinyemi Stuff like this usually gets fixed. It just takes time for the CM, which are pretty much overloaded with work, to sort things out and provide a solution. You have to be patient though, because they do have a lot of work. We get that you are tired of feeling harassed, but please remember that we, as users which are not in a position to help you more than we did, did all we could with the tools we have. Its now in the hands of a CM, which is the only person who can fix this.
Keep in mind that while you are very annoyed by your current situation, to say the least, we don't usually like when people get mad or impatient at us when we are trying to help. I kindly suggest you take a minute before posting anything and re-read yourself to ensure you keep a neutral tone towards the users who are trying to help.
That being said, I do hope your case gets treated as quickly as possible, and to your benefit.
8:57 PM
Jesus. I came to help. I'm not gonna.

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