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BTW, I'm testing out the gallery thing
try typing
Everyone I invited should have access to read and write
this is no longer locked
Dang, I can't get a "view image" on that RPG demotivational site.
right click?
plus that one I sent you won't allow hotlinking
ok, I'm going to post all my favorites
Yah, the context menu doesn't have "view image" I'm assuming some javascript magic.
this is appropriate from today's lunch run
Iroically, AdBlock gives me the option to block the image. :)
George - your pictures are all showing as forbidden for me.
awww..that's lame...they're working for me =/
cause you have them cached
here are a couple of his I liked
ah, that makes sense
I really need to get a host for myself.
ok, well I guess this room was short lived
short attention spans
Back to the Tavern I go!
@Chacha102 Tabs, man. Tabs! ;)
ah ok, spent too long looking for photos. i like this.
nice one
i was browsing meta, never noticed someone set up a monthly rep tracker
Skeet = impossible to catch :)
Yah, that man is a machine.
that's just insane
There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
or which was the river's flowing
i'm looking through the photo's on my flash drive and i'm suddenly realising how atheistic they all are. i don't wanna upset anyone. i guess i must just subconsciously think that believing in god is funny.
Is it raining, is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a blowin'?
@NickCraver that combined or just SO?
Not a speck of light is showing
dang, just SO
just SO, each site it's own thing
I guess i shouldn't be too surprised, last time I checked, he was at 190k
If you don't cap his rep
he's above 500,000
What's truly amazing, is that he does more than just hang out on SO 24/7 (I assume).
yeah takes a bit of time to answer that many questions
ah damn...
upvotes is the easy part, accepted answers over the cap takes a lot more effort
@fara LOL...that's just bad....
Talk about a WTF?
@george i had forgotten about that one, it's without doubt the funniest picture i've ever seen. :D
@fara I think I've seen one with a cherub like that. Or, maybe I'm thinking of the Simpsons?
i dunno, it reminds me of the "pissing boy" statue. no one knows why they made a statue of him, or why he is pissing... but they did and he is.
@fara Yah, that's what I'm taking about. A light switch made in that "tradition."
ok so it appears i've come into the stack overflow chat to post imagines of inanimate objects with penises, so i think i should probably stop now. the other boys made me do it sir.
Wow...Bing got me the best results, though still not what I had in mind.
grrr...another hotlinking denied issue?
chrome says the link is broken
prolly the lack of urlencoding
that link should at least work
ah yes that works
So yah, anyway...that's close to what i was imagining and i'm pretty sure I'm thinking of a simpsons' episode
well... someone must buy this crap or they wouldn't sell it on ebay
imagine trying to pitch that business idea to a VC. yes, our plan is to sell a cherub light-switch where the cherub's penis is the switch. we need $5,000,000.
lol I assume that'd be self funded and wouldn't require much...get 'em made in china and what not
it doesn't sound all that crazy really
not when you consider the snuggie's out and about in the world
fair enough...i saw a commerical for a "varsity" version of the snuggie last night
lol yeah that's true, plus i just realised i actually want to buy one of those cherubs.
now i want a chia pet
again that sadly is something i would buy
but only the determined one
Wow, I save a lot of stuff to delicious, but I still can't find what I'm looking for...probably because I didn't save it to delicious.
So anyway, talking about ebay reminded me of a post by some smallish computer shop. One of the customers bought an APC UPS on ebay, but it didn't work. So, he brought it in for them to look at it. When they opened it up, the guts were missing. In their place, was a brick.

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