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10:24 AM
yo, i'd just like to understand why you nuked my message
it was not meant as a troll
I concluded otherwise
I considered it to be problematic for some members present
ok, so then how come Aza gets to post a message that's not in good faith like "Back to the Queer Agenda, back to money motivations, back to..."
and it doesn't get deleted?
how is that message not a troll?
Given the context I considered that the first signal to treat carefully
which you happily seemed to ignore
So I gave you a few responses where I hoped you would understand to not go down the rabbit hole
I didn't fancy to argue to long about all that so I thought moving the message out was the best option in the tense situation the room is in.
Thanks for your understanding.
i was responding to an unsubstantiated allegation that effectively portrays anyone who has an issue with the CoC changes as someone who has a problem with LGBTQ people. as someone who does not have a problem with LGBTQ people, i honestly find that allegation offensive - not to mention unhelpful and unnecessary
I'm done with anyone that talks in terms of allegation
10:31 AM
i want to make it clear, i have no issue with my chat messages being moderated away if you believe that is best. but i do have an issue with moderation being applied selectively, as appears to have happened here. and i'm worried that the moderation was selective only because of the gender of the person who made said allegation
i don't want to cause any trouble, but i also don't want fairness to be compromised
I do have an issue if you come in ridiculing the CoC and the discussion it generates
your laughing and stuff are not great signals for me to go on then
i hope you understand where i'm coming from. my response to Aza was not an attack on them, but an attack on the allegation.
ugh... i'm not ridiculing the CoC and the discussion... i'm ridiculing the fact that SE just can't seem to get anything right, despite what it tries. it's like a comedy of errors, except without the comedy. and i have a very dark sense of humour so i find the whole situation (first the mods, now the CoC) bleakly amusing
I find it hard to separate those. If you attack the allegation that still is a problem for those involved.
@IanKemp yes, you are ridiculing it and that you don't want to accept a bit of responsibility there makes me worried/sad.
I too have deeply invested in my Dutch humor, but this whole episode has found no winners and I find that far from amusing, no matter I hard I try.
Most people care about the community and their own interactions with it. This hurts all of us in different ways. I personally feel that should be taken into account when deciding when something is amusing in this context.
i guess the problem comes in that humour is subjective
It is spelled humor ...
10:41 AM
not in queen's english, aka the correct one ;)
We're guests on an en-US site, so I adapt ...
fair enough
anyways, i'm gonna excuse myself. i think this has been a productive discussion, and i will try to tread a little more considerately in future.
Thanks, that is appreciated.
just so you know - all of us appreciate the job you do keeping us in line - even if we don't show it
I rather have that you appreciate I keep you in line.
This group think is killing SE
Take care!

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