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12:18 AM
@Clonkex "Shocked" is a bit strong. Perhaps surprised amusement is better. I know a fair bit about Christianity. I know about your largest holidays and a good number of your medium-sized ones. I know the basic theology and the differences among a large number of your sects. Do I know these things as well as you? Not a chance. But I have a good grounding.
I also know a reasonable amount about Islam, Buddhism, Wicca, Hinduism, and a few others. I consider them basic education. I don't know as much as I ought to (because American educational systems are 99.9% about Christianity, including secular Christian culture) but I do my best.
The JewFaq site I linked to above is quite good. It doesn't explain things in terms of every type of Judaism, but it will give you the gist.
P.S. I used to own an IBM PC and can relate to to my current Macbook Pro. But I digress.
2 hours later…
2:44 AM
@Cyn Interesting that you say "your holidays". While Christmas and Easter did originate as Christian holidays and are still commonly celebrated as such, I generally view them as simply "everyone's holidays". I have a feeling Jews wouldn't celebrate Christmas, and now that I think about it I assume other religions probably wouldn't either, but it's certainly not something I spend much time considering.
I would also suggest that it's highly likely you do actually know a lot more about the various Christian denominations than I do. I may be Christian, but I've not spent much time studying Christianity. My assumption has always been that one day I would probably go to some Bible college, as my parents did, but until then I will likely remain poorly versed in this subject.
9 hours later…
11:38 AM
@Clonkex Jews may or may not celebrate Christmas (in the US we don't because it is so religious but in the UK it is very secular so it varies). We do not celebrate Easter - period. Though as Good Friday is the Seder of Passover we certainly celebrate that - Passover also explains why Easter is even a holiday in Christianity (whole sacrificial lamb and a prophesy).
9 hours later…
8:11 PM
@Cyn to be fair a lot of modern Judaism is from after Christianity branched off it

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