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8:47 PM
~ That is gross ....
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 20:45:25 GMT+0000 (UTC) for 4 minutes
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
and myself, seen 7 minutes ago (3 / 3)
EKons     , seen 8 minutes ago (2 / 3)
KennyBOT  , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 26)
rene      , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 19)
he hasn't even been here...
and he's top
8:50 PM
no, it is running of the same db instance
ah it can't separate rooms yet?
no, not yey
it was never designed that way
so that's actually a feature? :P
for now it is, yes!
8:52 PM
!!block 225091
~ WUT?
you can't block me I have superpowers...
I'm an RO here ...
let's try again
!!block 225091
~ What are you talking about?
8:53 PM
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 20:45:25 GMT+0000 (UTC) for 12 minutes
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
rene      , seen 4 minutes ago (14 / 32)
EKons     , seen 5 minutes ago (6 / 1)
KennyBOT  , seen 4 minutes ago (4 / 29)
and myself, seen 15 minutes ago (3 / 3)
um... "6 / 1"? interesting!
hm... in case it really blocked me...
@rene uh... looks like it really blocked me...
Yeah, it lost connection
9:08 PM
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 21:07:52 GMT+0000 (UTC) for less than a minute
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
EKons     , seen 4 minutes ago (10 / 5)
and myself, seen 25 minutes ago (3 / 3)
KennyBOT  , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 33)
rene      , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 36)
!!block 225091
~ WUT?
9:09 PM
I give up
at least I've broken the barrier already... current messages more than total
!!block 241919
~ What are you talking about?
you're not a RO anyway...
I don't even know what I'm doing ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but I'll stop here :)
9:16 PM
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 21:16:12 GMT+0000 (UTC) for less than a minute
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
EKons     , seen 7 minutes ago (2 / 7)
and myself, seen 6 minutes ago (2 / 5)
KennyBOT  , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 37)
rene      , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 40)
!!block 225091
that is much better
9:17 PM
yeah, I think it blocked me now :P
did you happen to implement !!unblock, btw? ;)
@rene hm... blocked me or lost connection?
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 21:20:48 GMT+0000 (UTC) for less than a minute
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
EKons     , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 12)
KennyBOT  , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 39)
and myself, seen less than a minute ago (1 / 6)
rene      , seen less than a minute ago (1 / 45)
9:21 PM
!!block 225091
5-minute delay
!!status ( wait 5 minutes )
9:22 PM
@andmyself did run that command earlier ...
!!help me
Schrodinger's block...
meh, pretty sure that's just flower in bot
On the next status we should see what we need, unless I screwed that up as well
9:24 PM
in the meanwhile...
~ WUT?
wait did it really block me
~ 💩
it blocks when it feels like it...
9:25 PM
I think it's only the delays, not really blocked me or anything
because if I run e.g. !!poo it does respond
yeah, it is logging like crazy in a docker instance so ....
give it time
!!wipe rene
yeah works too, yet
9:28 PM
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 21:20:48 GMT+0000 (UTC) for 8 minutes
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
KennyBOT  , seen less than a minute ago (7 / 45)
rene      , seen less than a minute ago (6 / 50)
and myself, seen 3 minutes ago (5 / 10)
oh hey I'm gone :P
No more Ekons
Ok, now:
9:29 PM
~ 💩 💩
!!unblock 225091
hm, so the !!block command really just omits my name from !!status?
there there... placebo...
@EKons for now, yes
@andmyself meh, offensive usernames are a thing
9:31 PM
it certainly is when they are raiding the Tavern and the Den...
and I clean the usename in the db as well:
not regexed hm, so the !!block command really just omits my name from !!status?

hsu update [ { userid: 225091,

name: 'user225091',

cnt: 20,

totalcnt: 31,

last_seen: 1546637375981,

_id: 'tHdeDxQaujvWBwBc',

blocked: false } ]
lol what that was my message
but as soon blocked === false and the user generates some event, their record is restored
@EKons yes, I have your SSN and passwords on file as well ...
you know how I recognize that's a straight lie into my face? I'm in Greece, I don't have a SSN...
Oh ...
busted I guess
Would have been more fun if you had said that you don't have passwords
9:35 PM
how am I talking in here then
I dunno how screwed up facebook is
you still need a password though
of course, in that case, it might be more... visible even without flower assistance
wasn't that the most used password?
I think it was 123123?
I recall someone posted a list
@EKons too complex ;)
9:37 PM
there are many lists...
username: password
password: admin
actually, "username: password" is more effective than you think...
BOT running since: Fri Jan 04 2019 21:20:48 GMT+0000 (UTC) for 18 minutes
username    (#msg (curr/tot))
EKons     , seen less than a minute ago (30 / 41)
rene      , seen a minute ago ago (25 / 69)
KennyBOT  , seen 9 minutes ago (9 / 47)
and myself, seen a minute ago ago (9 / 14)
9:39 PM
let's push this to github and then to the Den
finally open source :P
yeah, looks like it's pushed now
Ok, thanks for helping testing this
9:58 PM
oh nice it removes unicode too? :P
No, I edited that with VI out of the live db file
It is a miracle I remembered how to quit VI
you managed to quit it? lol
normally I reboot the server
pretty sure you can't use SE without GUI... ;)

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