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7:59 AM
Q: Help us improve the user profile and settings

DonnaYou might know the user profile and settings. It’s what appears after you click on your profile picture. Maybe you come here to track your Q&A activity or to update your Developer Story. Maybe you’ve stopped by to manage your email settings, opt-in to Beta features, or to get valuable flair...

The single-line textbox in the survey doesn't really invite to elaborate much. If that is intentional then maybe don't ask why? I prefer or dislike certain parts of the profile? Or is there a trick in that Google docs thingy I didn't master yet?
@rene It's a Google thing. They're actually multi-line textboxes, they'll expand as you type.
Does this only apply to profile page or activity also?
I like it exactly as it is.
@NogShine Applies to Profile, Activity, and Edit Profile & Settings pages.
7:59 AM
To be honest, I don't think it really needs improvement. Those resources are better spent on fixing the bugs in the existing design instead of rewriting the whole thing again. (Profile got total redesign in the past). I appreciate the efforts, but for me it feels like trying to fix something that is not broken, which is a mistake.
@ShadowWizard (and others) Right now the profiles aren't responsive and their current layout is not going to be easy to convert. If we're happy with everything on the profiles, that's great... but we're going to have to rework them to be responsive somehow, and that's at least part of this work. Right now on narrow browser widths (and mobile), they scroll in an unintended way that needs to be addressed for usability... so, in a way, they are currently "broken". :)
Translated it for our meta:
@Catija this is really not clear from the question which contains things like referring to the profile as "junk drawer" and mention responsiveness only as something not very important or being the real goal here. Title like "Let's make the profile responsive" might have been better for example.
One of the questions is "Imagine that you have the option to manage your profiles and settings for all network sites at once -- basically, to have one place that supports all Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange sites. What do you like or dislike about this approach?" It's not at all clear to me how this hypothetical situation differs from the current global profile. Is it possible to clarify the question, or is the questionnaire fixed in stone by the action of publishing it?
You should make at least the email field in the survey required, just as a heads-up
7:59 AM
@Catija: Sorry, what do you mean by 'responsive'? I know next to nothing about this sort of stuff.
Hey @AkselA "Responsive" means that the site changes depending on the width of the browser you're using. If you're currently on a desktop, you can see what that means by making the browser window narrower and wider. You'll see that the page doesn't scroll left and right, instead it narrows to accommodate. We have a max width, so it won't get wider than that. :)
What's your objective? Do you want people to have a better experience when using it? Do you want it to be clearer to them what the privacy implications of supplying information are? Do you want more people to supply more information so that you can target more job ads at them? Is it perhaps that this page is much more interesting to the owners of StackOverflow than to its users?
Before we even start HOW do you get to Profile. There seem to be about 4 ways (it takes me a few goes to find what I am looking for). Clicking on my Picture does not produce anything that looks like the image above.
TL;DR Fill out this survey. ... "[With Teams, profile & settings is mediocre.]" Why? What's the goal? Are you telling us you're going to change things and this is our chance to voice, or is Do nothing; do all that other stuff, seriously an option? or at least do w/e you gotta do at Teams and keep things separate.
@Milliways That profile image is from Stack Overflow. Profile pages everywhere else look a little bit different, so if you're looking at it here, it's not quite the same. Also note that Donna is on the Profile tab. Clicking on your avatar in the top bar will take you to your Activity tab.

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