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4:56 PM
A: The second draft of our Code of Conduct is available for feedback and review

MuzeI like it but there is still users who are ignoring it with out consequence. When I first started on SE and asked many bad questions I was massively down voted and the automatic warnings provided where few and vague. The moderators have been of great help. Thank you, but they are very limited. S...

Voting is not a violation of the CoC.
@NicolBolas down voting new users without higher reputation should be. Getting a down vote as a new user one you first visit sucks. How many contributes are lost that way?
Up vote or no vote on new users.
We don't vote on users; we vote on content. If a new user posts good content, then that content will not attract downvotes. If an experienced user posts bad content, it will attract downvotes. That is exactly as it should be. New users are not a protected class.
@NicolBolas That is not how I felt. Regardless SE needs more encouragement from the automated system itself not the moderators.
4:56 PM
More interaction with the actual system to teach a new user to not get down votes.
That'd be great, and things like that are being worked on. But that is orthogonal to the CoC issue.
@NicolBolas please explain I don't understand.
You don't understand what, exactly? That features that help guide new users to ask question better are in development? That such features don't have anything to do with the CoC?
What if the system itself is not following the CoC?
Systems are systems; they cannot follow a "code of conduct". CoCs are for people.
4:59 PM
But when a person down votes a 1 rep user without cause does that not violate the CoC?
No more than it would for a 1 million rep users.
We don't downvote users!
This is not a difficult concept to understand.
Posts get downvotes; users do not.
I'm talking about the new contributor CoC?
There is no "new contributor CoC".
What does is say to the user when that happens they go poof never to come back.
There is only one CoC, which everyone must follow. It applies equally to everyone.
5:03 PM
but there is
I fetch it if you need.
sorry not trying to argue
when you join a new SE...
"What does is say to the user when that happens they go poof never to come back." ... I don't care. Our site grades content. If a user posts poor content, then their content will be graded poorly. Whether they are new or old.
If posting poor content, and having their content graded accordingly, causes a new user to never return, that is not something I can help.
More importantly, it is not something I should help.
under the profile it says new contributor please be kind or something
5:05 PM
This site is about creating good content.
"under the profile it says new contributor please be kind or something" So what? That has nothing specifically to do with the CoC. It is merely a reminder to follow the rules; it is not establishing a separate set of rules for new users.
Yes but many time it is a good question written poorly and the system macerates it.
and the user stats
"A good question written poorly" is an contradiction; the writing of a question is part of its quality.
poor english or grammer
Again, the writing of a question is part of its quality.
5:08 PM
I'm just saying there could be at least grammar correction tool available.
Can we at least do that?
Back to the CoC...
I would rather that SE spend their limited time on something more useful than a grammar checker, but I have nothing against the idea. But that has nothing to do with the CoC itself.
It not the moderator I have an issue with or people comments. I'll take a real offensive comment over no comment any day people who down vote without comment are breaking the CoC of being kind. It is unkind to use the system to down vote a new user without leaving the comment or is it not?
We do not downvote users!
I will repeat that every time you claim that a user gets downvoted.
5:15 PM
question belonging to a user
A downvoted question implies that the question is poor. It has no bearing on the user itself.
It's tough to communicate that concept through since people believe votes are a referendum on themselves as a person, but that really isn't the case.
if you down play some ones beat up truck they get mad this is similar
The CoC codifies the site's general policy of "Be nice" - in the context of no offensive behavior or attacking of specific groups or demographics. Moderation of content is orthogonal to the goals of the CoC, and voting is a form of moderation, since that impacts what a user can do on the site.
It kinda starts with you - don't take votes personally.
Also @NicolBolas sorry about just sneaking in; I was content to be a fly on the wall for a bit...
Very carefully not to upset any one....
5:22 PM
@Muze: "if you down play some ones beat up truck they get mad this is similar" ... so? If I give a product a bad review, the maker of that product probably won't like it. But their opinion is irrelevant. If it's a crappy product, then that should be stated, regardless of what they think about it.
I just want to say its not the CoC it was fine but now is better the underling problem is some of the facets in the system which users are exploiting unfairly creating hoard down voting causing bans and suspensions with a handful people. This violate the CoC. Just today the some of my own votes was reversed
@Muze: "Just today the some of my own votes was reversed" What does that have to do with anything discussed here? If your votes were reversed, that would be due to you doing serial voting. Which is not allowed.
Serial closing for example
There's no such thing as "serial closing".
If 5 people agree that the content violates our standards, then it probably does.
it wasn't me I don't down vote
5:28 PM
I'm speaking on the behalf of the new user. I don't mind if some one is frank with me but it is a slap in the face to down vote a new users stufffff without comment.
You want to know why people downvote without comment? Just look around.
I downvoted your answer here, but I also commented.
And what happened? We got into a discussion. A long one.
During that time, I'm not looking for questions to answer.
I'm not providing information to others.
In short, I'm not doing anything genuinely productive towards the goals of the site.
I'm merely arguing with one user.
Things like this happen often when you comment on posts.
Few are the people who just accept correction. They almost always argue against it.
Thus wasting the user's time defending it.
@Muze - in all honesty when someone tries to strike up a conversation about why they were downvoted, it's actually highly counterproductive to the actual reason as to why the post was downvoted at all. More times than not, an OP in that context is looking for someone to blame/yell at in an effort to try and get the vote overturned.
thank you but they new user is going to rewrite it , never come back, lash out.....and I am trying to get you to understand it from another perspective not argue
For the sake of those who actually moderate, it's better to not comment since that drains a ton of energy from both parties.
@Muze I don't see how it's "unfair" people are using their ability to downvote... That's a privilege that people are choosing to use. It's how curation is designed on SE. If users are experiencing issues with downvotes and the associated suspensions, perhaps those users need to work on their content, instead of blaming the curators. SE is community driven; if the community response is generally negative, then the user needs to reevaluate their use of that community.
5:31 PM
hens the system should.
"I am trying to get you to understand it from another perspective not argue" Then understand it from my perspective. I understand their perspective; I simply do not care about it.
thats cold
It's fair, though.
Content moderation and curation doesn't really need to take into account the creator's feelings. If it's good, it gets treated well. If it's bad, it's often subject for removal.
Arguing against those of us who do the curation dodges the main point - the content was poor.
I wish I could delete my really bad question but they are stuck. Yes I agree.
5:39 PM
Premature system bans and what does it mean to the new user?
@Muze: Question bans require a very great deal of effort to get. You have to ask multiple questions that attract lots of negative attention. What makes them "premature" to you?
The purpose of a question ban is to identify users who have repeatedly failed to understand how our site works, and therefore are likely to continue to fail at asking useful, productive questions. So it's probably better for everyone that they're not asking questions.
Time is a finite resource. Time spent helping one person ask a question is time not spent answering a question asked by someone who is following our rules.
Why is helping a person who isn't following our rules more important than helping a person who is?
It wasn't for me
I understand I am doing better but it wasn't so easy for me
Other SE sites are fine but this SE account here and others there is no fixing these even though I have learn over the years what is acceptable somewhat to stay not suspended.
thanks again not strying to stir the pot just pointing out problem that could be counter intuitive.
5:54 PM
and sorry for my typing. Thank God it wasn't a question.
@NicolBolas Just to be clear if you ever feel like your being unfairly up voted by me let me know.
down votes on my questions was reversed. if you space out the down votes to could down vote a new user right into a question ban and never comment.

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