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10:59 AM
wait what
@Tim Language please. How can we help you?
please be mindful of the language you use and describe what you want to say in a more neutral way
. . . and we'd be more than happy to help
If anything bad happen, it is because of their cruelty, heartlessness, support of bully, lack of empathy
11:01 AM
@Tim OK, I can't see images, so I'll let @Magisch take over.
@Tim This is a mod message, which you recieve directly from moderator. If you want to appeal moderator decisions, use meta stack overflow or the "contact us" form on the footer of every page
@Tim erm - that's the standard low quality mod message
using hyperbole to describe your grievances is unhelpful
But the idea there is for you to stop and learn so you can make better use of the site
@Tim Have you considered they're just random humans over the internet? And since they can be held accountable for their actions, just not with this tone, they're usually careful with what they're doing and saying.
11:03 AM
better use the site by being banned and harrassed and bullied on the site
They also understand a system a little bit better.
@Tim so... what do you want folks to do?
@Tim it's not the first time you post about mods on your meta site...
@Tim Please elaborate.
You should be able to post again, you mean?
11:05 AM
What does justice look like for you @Tim. It appears your content may not fit the site it was posted on. Is there anything you can do to address this? Or is perhaps the site just not a good fit for it?
Or should someone else also be banned? Or something else?
What did you post to deserve such treatment?
On SO, my posts are welcomed at the beginning, and then are hated, because I don't accept some of their answers, because I ask questions they think they never ask, because I speak against bully politely
@Tim SO is so busy... I don't think folks have the time to take things personally
Did you receive any feedback that you were able to integrate into your posts to improve them?
11:07 AM
and honestly - quality standards and such have changed over time
You don't think doesn't mean there are no .
Have you been constantly harrassed by some users in the past three months?
@Tim Am I correct in assuming that "welcomed" = "upvoted" and "hated" = "downvoted"?
Well, this room isn't an appropriate forum to redress grievances with SO moderation
Eh, sure. But not about question quality.
I can't see your SO account from your MSE account. Did you, perchance, create a separate account so that you could access chat during your suspension?
11:08 AM
If so, why are those upvotes valid but not those downvotes?
@Tim Nope. And if that happened to you I'm sorry to hear that. And I can assure you that flagging that would result in action being taken.
@JohnDvorak well, technically you don't lose chat access on MSE for getting suspended or qbanned on SO
That's true, but I'd still expect the accounts to be linked
@JohnDvorak hidden all sites
With the same kinds of bullies that I have received, I have never received justice, but been banned for multiple times in the past three yeras. Some of them I appealled successfully, but most not. There is no way for justice on SO
11:09 AM
Meta Stack Overflow can be used to publicly inquire about moderator decisions, while Contact Stack Exchange can be used for private inquiries. These are your avenues.
Here is just a hangout of users and general chat for meta stack exchange
I appreciate your humor. Being banned on SO also means on meta.so
@Tim we can't help you if you don't cooperate. Throwing accusations around isn't useful.
@Tim To be frank, with your tone and language, people will just dismiss your arguments. If you make your points without so much of the hyperbole and emotion, I'd wager you're more likely to get support.
@Tim You can either publicly post on MSO after you suspension, or use the contact link Magisch send you now. We can't help, sorry.
@Tim Really, you need to stop levelling accusations at groups of people now.
to get banned for low quality contributions on SO must mean there's a lot of them, like hundreds or thousands. You probably recieved mod notices before this.
11:12 AM
@Tim that does not excuse the tone, nor validate your case.
It's more likely you don't understand the idea of "quality control" than that you've been wronged by 90% of the community members
@Tim I'll just be frank: are you this Tim?
The fact that you're unwilling to discuss specific posts doesn't help your case at all
... and now we're in the area of personal attacks. Leave.
@Tim I said, stop levelling accusations. Kicked.
I was in the middle of a message.
Sorry not sorry.
End of discussion, I guess.
Yeah, lemme clean things up a bit more :)
The whole wreck can go.
@Marshmallow until the kick times out at least
@JohnDvorak No, I don't recommend restarting stuff even then.
11:15 AM
One thing about this here chat is that we operate under the code of conduct which prescribes assuming good faith. If you can't discuss without accusing people who are trying to help you of horrible things, refrain please.
No you don't
@JohnDvorak I don't think it was going anywhere anyway anyhow anymuch
@Tinkeringbell I don't either. I was merely being afraid that the kickee might attempt to reinstate the discussion.
@JohnDvorak So, just talk about something else while I get everything sorted and cleaned up so there's no easy access point to restart? :)
11:19 AM
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