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What am I doing wrong here?
I was trying to find posts which contain the string [tag:r or the string [tag:r].
I wanted to see whether there was a discussions about a tag for R (programming language) on this meta site. (And simply searching for r does not seem to be the optimal strategy.)
But the queries I used for these return many false positive.
When I am using LIKE does [ have a special meaning? Does : have a special meaning?
Ok, so using [[]tag:r seems to work: data.stackexchange.com/meta.math/query/1674244/…
Still, I am doing something wrong with the closing brackets.
I would expect to be the results for [[]tag:calculus and [[]tag:calculus[]] to be very similar (or maybe even the same) - but the second query returns no results.
11 hours later…
@Martin yes, [ has a special meaning. You use it as a one of range or in set: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/…. So body like '[bc]ar' will find posts with bar and car. You need to escape [ by enclosing it in brackets: [[] note that ] doesn't need escaping. See learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/language-elements/…
Thanks! I did not realize that ] does not need escaping.

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