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7:31 AM
Q: Problems with updating databases from a dataset in visual basic .net

MikikoI am writitng a program that uses a database as the backend and visual basic .net for the gui. I have created a table in the ms sql express that a user can pick from and record to. I can bind the information from the table to a combobox so the users can pick it. The problem is that any new data t...

7:55 AM
Just to clarify, what is exactly what you expect as an answer for this question? Percentage of questions with accepted answers depending on the day of the week when the bounty was offered? Average number of answers depending of the day of the week when the bounty was offered? I guess something like that should be possible to do using SEDE. — Martin Sleziak 22 secs ago
I was a bit curious to find out how difficult this would be. Here are a few queries I tried so far: Average number of answers depending on day (or time) when bounty was started,
8:11 AM
I will add also a direct link to graph for the average number and for percentage.
And I just noticed that Votes table only contains date but not time:
> CreationDate Date only (2018-07-31 00:00:00 time data is purposefully removed to protect user privacy)
So of the three options I've given there, Frequency=1 and Frequency=3 actually do not make sense. So probably I could simply remove that part and use Period = DATEPART("weekday", bs.CreationDate).
1 hour later…
10 hours later…
7:18 PM
@Martin shouldn't you take into account the numbers of answers received after the bounty was placed?
@Martin you could add date of acceptvote (votetypeid=1) as well (add another left join)
7:40 PM
Number of answers after bounty sounds as an interesting idea. (Although it is probably harder to get.)
Does VoteTypeId=1 mean accepting answer (I read "AcceptedByOriginator" in the FAQ Post. Wouldn't PostId for such vote by answer rather than the question?
I thought that AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL is sufficient to find out whether or not the question has an accepted answer.
7:59 PM
@Martin it is, but in theory the accepted answer could have been set before the bounty ? And the bounty award goes to another answer?
@Martin it would be, yes. So you join posts.acceptedanswserid = votes.postid and votes.votetypeid = 1
To get votes.CreationDate which tells me when the answer was accepted, right?
I apologize, but I am in two discussion in two different rooms at the moment.
8:21 PM
@Martin yeah
Here is a base query to data for number answers before, during and after a bounty: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/946492
@Martin no worries, I'm multi-tasking as well
8:45 PM
I have tried whether I am at least able to find questions where answer was accepted before the bounty started (and, of course, the query for the reverse order would be similar): Questions where answer was accepted before a bounty was started
I hope I'll be able to come back to this query later at some point. There's some other stuff I should do today....
@Martin that one looks okay, nice.
Yes, I thought something like that would serve as "tmp" if I wanted to count questions where answer was accepted after bounty. (Of course, changing the direction when comparing the dates.)
I suppose that for counting answers posted after the bounty I'd have to make a joint with Posts a on p.Id=a.ParentId and then compare a.CreationDate and bs.CreationDate.
But it would certainly take me a while to create the query.

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