> - From talking to newer users, early - mid career, I am hearing that people still ask questions on Stack Overflow because it offers reliability, depth, and human input that can still be super important. > - And while we are hearing more cases of developers starting with LLMs like ChatGPT or Copilot for quick answers, we also hear they turn to Stack Overflow when they need trusted, peer-reviewed solutions, especially for complex or high-stakes problems (or when they dont have someone senior or knowledgeable to ask, e.g. small company, team of one etc) > - Since saving time is crucial for developers, and while LLMs are fast, the effort required to verify their answers can negate that advantage. Stack Overflow is not always FAST but it has a track record of excelling in providing confidence and accuracy, so when correctness and expert insight really matters, people perceive it will be faster to ask on SO (even with all the hurdles and waiting times)